Accumulated F.A.C.T. Press releases
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On November 16, 2007 F.A.C.T. notified the media of the rally on National Child's Day at the court house located at 393 University Avenue in Toronto. The news release is available here in PDF format.

On November 19, 2006 F.A.C.T. notified the media of the rally on National Child's Day at the court house located at 393 University Avenue in Toronto. The news release is available here in PDF format.

On June 31, 2006 F.A.C.T. released comments on the poor Supreme Court of Canada decision in the matter of D.B.S. v. S.R.G.; L.J.W. v. T.A.R.; Henry v. Henry; Hiemstra v. Hiemstra, 2006 SCC 37. The news release is available here (PDF format). Reference is made to a previous study on judicial behaviour and that study is linked here.

On June 21, 2005 F.A.C.T. released an announcement of a study done about equality before the courts and the performance of the Attorney General of Canada, Irwin Cotler, in fulfilling the obligations of his job. We believe that Canadians should be interested in this. The news release is available here (PDF format) and the study is linked here.

On June 19, 2005 F.A.C.T. will be holding its annual, public Fathers Day picnic. It is free to all children, parents and family. Come on down to Lake Ontario and celebrate with us. More information is on the website. You can read our news release about this here (PDF format).

On June 20, 2004 F.A.C.T. will be holding its annual, public Fathers Day picnic. It is free to all children, parents and family. Come on down to Lake Ontario and celebrate with us. More information is on the website. You can read our news release about this here (PDF format).
On January 31, 2005, the Court of Appeal of Ontario released its decision in a case known as Kaplanis v. Kaplanis imposing incorrect and inappropriate conditions on the awarding of joint custody. F.A.C.T. had commented on this in this news release of February 1, 2005.

F.A.C.T. is announcing its annual National Child's Day rally will be help on November 19, 2004 outside the Family Law Courts building at 393 University Avenue. More information is available in our release. Brochure information will be available at and after the event.

On September 2, 2004 F.A.C.T. met with Marion Boyd who is doing a study for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney-General and the Ontario Women's Directorate (there is no Men's directorate) on the Arbitration Act and family law. F.A.C.T. is a strong supporter of culturally-sensitive, non-adversarial, reasonably priced, fair settlement mechanisms that can adapt to the diverse multi-cultural society in Ontario. You can read our news release about this here (PDF format), and you can also get a copy of the text left with Ms. Boyd concerning out thoughts on the matter.

On June 20, 2004 F.A.C.T. will be holding its annual, public Fathers Day picnic. It is free to all children, parents and family. Come on down to Lake Ontario and celebrate with us. More information is on the website. You can read our news release about this here (PDF format).

On May 4, 2004 Statistics Canada released the incredible statistic that, for the first time in history, that less than 50% of the children of divorce in 2001-2002 were subjected to sole maternal custody. Of course, that really is not true story -- the true story is the hiding of the real situation under the purposefully misleading language of the courts. You can read our news release about this here (PDF format)

On March 31, 2004 the Office of the Coroner of Ontairo released an excuse for a report that came out of the recommendations of the Hadley inquest (FACT was there). It is a poor excuse for a tracking of the deaths created by public policies in this province. You can read this report (PDF format) at FACT has released a press release on this report which you can read here (in PDF format).

With the questionable "crackdown" on poor, support paying parents announced by the Ontario government (see their announcement), F.A.C.T. has released the following press release (in PDF format). If you think that this is as cowardly and damaging as we do, give Mr. McGuinty a call at 416-325-1941 and tell him (or his staff).

On June 13, 2002 a father under considerable personal pressure performed a citizen's arrest pursuant to s. 494 of the Criminal Code against a judge in Milton for "Crimes Against Humanity" -- a Criminal Code offense under s. 183 which references back to the new Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. FACT was not involved in the arrest of the judge, and we do not support, and strongly discourage, any one arresting judges. However, having done some lay research, it does appear that under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, certain procedures used by the Family Law courts might be classed as Crimes Against Humanity under the Act. To that end, FACT has released a News Release (available here in PDF format) concerning this matter and encouraging investigation of the issues. We would encourage you to speak to your MP and your member of your provincial legislature about this matter -- please do not arrest any one. Support for this father comes from many sources: see, for example.

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September 11, 2000